Friday, August 24, 2012


Ecuador is full of hummingbirds.  There are over 130 different species of hummingbirds in Ecuador, and many of them are here in the Andes mountains.  Ecuador is also full of public art.  Currently, there is an exhibit in one of the plaza's here in Cuenca (Otoronga Plaza) of statues of hummingbirds that have been sculpted by one artist and then each painted by various artists.  The exhibit started in Quito and is currently traveling the country.  Here are a few pictures of the magnificent display.  Remember that you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.  Well worth doing that here.

A picture of just a few of the many hummingbird species in Ecuador


  1. What a fascinating exhibit!
    I never realized that the hummingbird was the national bird of Ecuador. Thanks for posting this.

  2. Great exhibit and pictures. Thanks. - Harold
